Information Technology Reference
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Configuring Metadata Subscriptions for Delivery
In the previous exercises, you learned how to use watchers to transcode and distribute fin-
ished material. This happens outside the client application, while delivering via metadata
subscriptions happens entirely inside the client application.
The benefit of using metadata subscriptions is that they're more flexible than watchers. If
you need to deliver to multiple locations and multiple formats, you can find yourself hav-
ing to deal with a lot of folders very quickly. You can also accidentally drop the files into
the incorrect folder, which would not trigger any action or may trigger additional actions
you didn't anticipate.
In this exercise, you'll configure Boolean metadata fields (yes/no checkboxes) to trigger
the copy responses you made earlier, then create a new metadata group called Publish
Destinations. First, you need to make your new metadata fields, then you associate those
fields with the new metadata group you made. Next, you add these fields to the Asset
Filter metadata group so they're available for metadata subscriptions. Finally, you associ-
ate the copy responses you made earlier with the Boolean fields through metadata sub-
Open the Administration window of the client application.
In the left pane, choose Metadata Field and click the Create button. In the Metadata
Field window that appears, for Name enter iPhone FTP , choose Boolean from the Data
Ty p e p o p - u p, e n te r iPhone FTP for Description, choose None from the Category pop-
up, and leave the rest of the values at default. Click Save Changes when finished.
Back at the Metadata Field window in the Administration window, click the Create
button to make a new field. For Name enter iPhone Xsan , choose Boolean from the
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