HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3-6. The blank Register form
if you look at the page's source or the Page inspector, the actual HTMl will be
similar to:
<input class="text-box single-line" data-val="true"
data-val-required="The Email address field is required."
id="Email" name="Email"
placeholder="Enter an e-mail address" type="email" value=""/>
Close the browser and stop the debugger.
Ti As with the previous chapter, i will be using the opera browser for most of the exercises since it has the
best support for the new input types.
Data validation in AsP. nET MVC starts with the model. if you look at the AccountModel.cs file you'll see
metadata attributes such as Required attached to each property. For example, the Username property looks
like this:
[Display(Name="User name")]
public string UserName { get; set; }
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