HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Part 2
Using the New HTML5 Features
In this part you'll start using HTML5 to build basic forms and web pages. This will explore the three
primary facets of the HTML5 specifications:
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
In Chapters 2 and 3 you'll use the new input elements to provide a better user experience with forms;
first with a traditional .aspx web form and then using MVC4. Each of these frameworks provide HTML5
support but the approaches are significantly different.
In Chapter 4, you'll take a crash course on CSS, focusing primarily on the new features included
with CSS3. The sample web page that you'll create will take advantage of the new structural elements
such as aside, nav, and footer. Chapter 5 then demonstrates some of the basic scripting enhancements
provided by HTML5 and Visual Studio. This includes using web workers to employ background threads
on the client. You'll also try out the new JavaScript query selectors and demonstrate the bundling and
minification support in Visual Studio 2012.
Finally, Chapter 6 rounds out this section by explaining how you can build mobile-friendly web
applications. I will demonstrate many of the emulators that are available for testing your application on
a variety of HTML5 compatible devices. You'll also use media queries to dynamically address different
screen resolutions.
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