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eXerCISe 8-4. ChaNGING the aUDIO SOUrCe
Close the browser and stop the debugger.
Create another audio file in both .mp3 and .ogg formats and copy these to the
Chapter 8 \Media folder.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the Media folder and select the Add ➤ Existing
Item links. Navigate to the Chapter 8 \Media folder and select both the .mp3 and .ogg
files that you just encoded.
open the Index.cshtml file. At the top of the existing script element, declare the
following variable. This will be used to keep track of how many songs were played.
var songCount=0;
Add the following code shown in bold to the endAudio() function. If the audio clip
that just finished is the first one, the code will change the src attribute to reference
the second file. The file is then loaded and played. (Note, you'll need to change these
filenames to use the actual files that you included in your project.)
function endAudio() {
document.getElementById("play").value = "Play";
document.getElementById("audioSeek").value = 0;
document.getElementById("duration").innerHTML = "0/" + Math.
if (++songCount < 2) {
Save your changes and press F5 to debug the application. The initial song should
start playing.
To save some time, fast-forward the clip to almost the end of the file and then wait
for it to finish. The second file should automatically start playing. You should notice
the span control was updated to show the duration of the second file.
Detecting Audio Support
You can programmatically determine if a source is supported by the browser by calling the canPlayType()
method on the audio element, passing in the type attribute. To demonstrate this, add the following code to the
beginning of the script block, after the audio variable declaration:
var sources=audio.getElementsByTagName("source");
for (var i=0; i<sources.length; i++) {
alert("[" + sources[i].type + "] - " + audio.canPlayType(sources[i].type));
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