HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Ti The togglePlay() function responds to the play button being clicked and the updatePlayPause() function
responds to the audio element being started or paused. When the button is clicked, the togglePlay() method will
change the state of the audio element. This state change will raise either an onplay or onpause event, which are
both handled by the updatePlayPause() function. This is done this way because it is possible that the audio can be
played or paused through means other than clicking the play button. For example, if you left the controls attribute,
you would have both the native controls as well as the custom controls. Responding to the onplay and onpause
events ensure the button label is always correct regardless of how the audio element is manipulated.
Finally, the endAudio() function is called when the audio has finished playing. This performs some
synchronization including setting the button label, and initializing the range and span controls.
Supporting Progress and Seek
Next, add the functions shown in Listing 8-2 to the same script element.
Listing 8-2. Functions to support the range control
function seekAudio() {
var seek = document.getElementById("audioSeek");
audio.currentTime = seek.value;
function updateSeek() {
var seek = document.getElementById("audioSeek");
seek.value = audio.currentTime;
var duration = document.getElementById("duration");
duration.innerHTML = Math.round(audio.currentTime) + "/" + Math.round(audio.duration);
Just like with the play button, there is one event handler, seekAudio() , that responds to the input element
and a separate event handler, updateSeek() , that responds to the audio element. The seekAudio() function is
called when the user moves the slider on the range control. It simply sets the currentTime property using the
value selected by the range control.
The updateSeek() function is called when the ontimeupdate event is raised by the audio element. This
updates the range control to reflect the current position within the file. It also updates the span control to show
the actual position (in seconds). Again, the currentTime property is rounded to the nearest integer.
Controlling the Volume
The last set of functions is used to support both the volume control and the mute button. Add the code shown in
Listing 8-3 to the same script element that you have been using.
Listing 8-3. Controlling the volume
function toggleMute() {
audio.muted = !audio.muted;
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