Geoscience Reference
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the Earth. A moon rock would rest on a laboratory bench, ready to annihilate the-
The one certainty was that some lunar scientists, if not most, would turn out to
be wrong. They disagreed not only about whether volcanism or meteorite impact
had caused lunar craters but on almost everything else about the Moon, especially
her origin. One would have thought that the Moon's origin would have been the
principal “geological problem” to discuss, but the speakers at the so-named con-
ference avoided the subject. Perhaps that was wise. The few speakers at the con-
ference on the “Dynamics of the Earth-Moon System” who ventured to discuss the
Moon's origin each turned out to be wrong. No shame in that, as almost everyone
else who had ever offered a theory on the Moon's origin turned out to be wrong as
well. Indeed, scientists joked that since no theory could account for the Moon, she
could not possibly exist.
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