Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
}, function() {
}, function() {
instructions.className = 'exited';
The Pointer Lock and Full Screen APIs can only be engaged when users take an
action (clicking or hitting the keyboard) as a security precaution to prevent attackers
from hijacking your screen, so we're waiting for a click in this case. Once we're in full
screen, we can listen to the mousemove event to rotate the player:
document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) {
player.rotate(event.movementY, event.movementX, 0);
}, false);
The event.movementX property and the event.movementY property
are normalized across browsers here by the PointerLock.js library.
The rotate() method simply changes the player's _aggregateRotation
vector. We're assuming here that the player has been instantiated, as shown
in the following code:
player = new Player();
Yes, we just added the camera to the player . It turns out that any object that is
a descendant of THREE.Object3D can have other objects added to it. Those child
objects are accessible through the parent's children array, and they will be grouped
together with the parent so that movement, rotation, and scaling are composed.
(In other words, if a child's local position is (0, 0, 5) and the parent's position is
(0, 0, 10) , then the child's position in the world will be (0, 0, 15) . Rotation and
scale work similarly.) In this case, we use this composition to cause our camera to
follow our player around.
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