Game Development Reference
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Materials are instances of THREE.Material that define how objects appear. There are
several common material subclasses:
It is not affected by lighting (a characteristic called unlit ), so
this is usually used to display a solid color or a wireframe.
Two adjacent, same-colored, unlit surfaces are difficult to tell
MeshNormalMaterial The red/green/blue values of the colors displayed by this
material are based on the magnitude of the x/y/z values of
the faces' normal vectors. (A normal vector is perpendicular
to a surface.) This material is unlit and useful for quickly
distinguishing the shape of an object.
It is an unlit material that shows shades of gray, with
brightness depending on the distance from the camera.
It is useful when designing scenes before applying more
realistic textures.
MeshLambertMaterial Faces are affected by lighting, but are not shiny. Specifically,
lighting is calculated per-vertex and is interpolated over faces.
It will appear black if there are no lights in the scene.
Faces are affected by lighting, and can be shiny. Specifically,
lighting is calculated per- texel (texture pixel), so this will be
more accurate than Lambert materials when the light source is
close to the object in question. It will appear black if there are
no lights in the scene.
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