Agriculture Reference
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Down to Earth's kelp meal needs to be cooked before it is used, or it can drag the pH of your soil mix
right down
fur. Sulfur is very dangerous to add straight in its elemental form, due to the fact that sulfur will plummet
your soil pH quickly and completely! As a direct sulfur addition is too dangerous, bringing in some sulfur
like this in the gypsum is awesome because of the slow-release method. As long as your soil mix is well
buffered,gypsumwill notradically dropthepHvalue ofyoursoilmix,butinstead will onlyslightly lower
it without any problems.
Kelp meal is always a great addition that brings in some fantastic elements and raw organic matter. It's
rated high for nutrient and other beneficial elements, such as 60 minerals or elements, 12 vitamins and 21
can tend to take the soil's pH down pretty hard. I noticed that this happened repeatedly to me, when I was
etc. Always cook a soil mix with any real amounts of raw (non-cooked or non-composted) organic matter
in it.
You can easily go overboard with liquid seaweed and kelp products—as well as the soluble dry ver-
sions. This is a rookie mistake, and one that many of us have had to experience to know of its importance!
Take my advice and be very careful not to overuse the liquid or soluble dry kelp and seaweed products.
It is pretty tough to overuse kelp meal, but anything is possible. Kelp and seaweed products are also very
fullofavailable potassium(K),whichisalwaysagoodthinginmoderation.Alwaysreadthelabelsonany
products before you use them.
Steer manure (always composted) is something I add in small amounts, because there are some special-
ized and very beneficial microbeasties that tend to colonize steer manure, as I understand it. It also has
a wonderful amount of nitrogen and highly bioactive organic matter, which is an excellent source of mi-
cronutrients as well. Find a good source for steer manure, or ask your local nursery to get some, because
you will love the results you can get from using it. Cattle or barnyard manures are all good, but I have al-
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