Agriculture Reference
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The white bits here are perlite, an essential part of any living soil mix!
Earthworm castings and compost are both superior additions for several reasons and one, if not both, of
these are a must have in my opinion. Bagged versions of earthworm castings can be good or poor, and a
good rule of thumb for TLO growing is this: if the earthworm castings still have living worms in them,
they are primo! This is the prime reason you are using earthworm castings or fresh compost: to bring in
microbial life, including micro-predators like amoebas and other protozoa. These guys are every bit as im-
portant as the bacteria and fungi in your soil mix! Avoid anything that is sterile, or has been sterilized, and
use your nose; nothing should These bagged earthworm castings are smell bad, but should have a very of
a high quality and great for TLO use clean and earthy aroma. You will get to know that smell if you don't
know it already. It is easy to learn how to compost, and there is a ton of info at your local library or on the
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