Agriculture Reference
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These little sprouts are so cute!
Importance of Good Genetics in TLO Growing
Idon'twanttoredundantly beat youovertheheadwiththis,butifyouhavedoneanyreading aboutgrow-
ing cannabis, you already know how very important the role of genetics is in the happiness and health of
your garden. Unless you are pretty skilled with organics indoors—if you have at least a few successful
ratio stuff, but if you ask me it all comes down to flowering time. Anything that takes 10 weeks or longer
to flower is sativa dominant, in my opinion. Sativas can take as long as 20 weeks indoors, and until late
December outdoors in the Northern Hemisphere. Anything that takes 8 weeks or less is an indica domin-
ant, with real deal indicas sometimes flowering in as little as 6 weeks. You just can't get that soaring and
intensely powerful sativa ride in less than 10 weeks flowering.
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