Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Aero cloning is my preferred method of cloning
Old school rockwool cloning works perfectly too!
Other TLO Grow Room Considerations
Temperature and Humidity are always concerns when growing cannabis, and this is no different when
growing TLO-style. Indoors, a general rule of thumb for the desired temperature is around low-mid 80s
(F)whenlightsareon,andmid-high60s(F)whenlightsareoff.Humidity shouldbearound50%orhigh-
er during lights off and 40-60% during lights on.
Dehumidifiers and Humidifiers can both be used to your advantage in TLO growing, depending on your
particular needs. Portable air conditioning units are also great in the right circumstances. If your plants get
spidermites, theyhappentoloveitdry,andflourishindryandhotconditions. Ifyourgrowroomsarefree
from parasitic molds, insects, and arthropods, like they should be (and I will tell you how to achieve this
inthis topic)thenyoucanactuallyrunathigherhumiditylevels,whichbenefitstheplantsinseveralways.
Sustained low humidity will often result in potassium (K) issues, to give just one example.
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