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hot. Bolting can really get crazy with HPS bulbs too close, and those particular bulbs seem to catalyze the
bolting effect, as far as I have seen.
A digital thermostat controlled switch is used for cooling or heating the grow room
Generally speaking, between 60-90°F is a good range of temperatures, and the temps in my room go
from about 86°F. with lights on, and about 64°F. with lights off. Beware of the temps at the plant tops
during times of higher temperatures! This can cause big trouble and unless you check it, you won't know
for sure. Be proactive here and please just take my advice and check it.
It is hard to overdo your venting, and fresh air is key. I don't like to supplement CO 2 when growing
TLO, but if I had trouble bringing in fresh air I would consider lightly amending the air with CO 2 from a
tank,usingatimed,intermittentreleaseregulatorvalve.IfyouareevermessingwithCO 2 additionsalways
pickyourselfupaCO 2 detector—likeasmokedetector—soyoudon'tpullsomeultimatestonedmoveand
killyourself.Whenyoureadthingslike“airexchange”and“freshair”or“exhaustfans”ingrowing topics,
don't dismiss them because this is a huge keystone piece of your TLO grow if you want it to be super nat-
ural, and I have a feeling you do. Always pull your air through rather than pushing it whenever possible.
This makes such a huge difference youwill be blown away (if you'll pardon the pun).Anyhalfway decent
grow shops will have nice venting fans for sale, and I like Dayton and Elicent brands for reliable fans. I
have never seen either one of these brands fail after many years of use, and the Elicent fans are also super
quiet when operating.
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