Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
So what exactly is True Living Organics?
can understand, plants have been feeding their own needs by finding what they require in the soil in which
they live. Cannabis has always done the same. Somewhere along the line, cannabis growers started taking
the decisions away from the plant, and after that, they even took away the soil. They force-fed the plants
nutrients even when they didn't want them. They took away the natural sources of elements and replaced
them with synthetics. And I should know; I was one of these growers.
Hash made from TLO buds will almost literally blow your mind!
solutions and chemical additives. TLO growing uses the power of the microlife to let the plant feed itself
what it needs, when it needs it. It puts the plant in charge of itself rather than at the mercy of the grower.
You see, a plant's roots actually communicate with the microlife that lives underground in the area im-
mediately surrounding the roots (the rhizosphere). The plant offers up certain elements that attract the ap-
propriate microlife. These microlife create nutrients that the plant requires, and bringing them close means
that these nutrients are then available to the plant. This delicate symbiosis can be totally messed up by do-
ingsomethingassimpleasaddingliquidnutrientsthatarechelated usingorganicacids;they'reallorganic
for sure, but not suitable for TLO growing. By using such products, you will devastate the microbial pop-
ulation into a chaotic state, and to avoid being too technical, we'll just say that this has the same effect on
the microlife as the bends has on scuba divers who come up too fast. In chaos, the microlife is not nearly
as helpful to the plant roots, and if the pH swings too far it can actually kill the majority ofthe microlife. It
should go without saying that micro-genocide is not good for your plant.
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