Agriculture Reference
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Roots Organics' Extreme Serene is my safety net in the flowering stage
This is one of those great nutrients, full of organic matter and derived from great sources, with many
similarities to Fox Farm's Big Bloom nutrient sources, including kelp and earthworm castings and/or
guanos. The Extreme Serene is pretty heavily chelated with organic acid(s) and your first clue here is the
severe pH-down effects it has on the water. I start out using this at ½ recommended strength the first time,
for this nutrient, as it is really more suited to “Soup-Style” organic growing, which is explained elsewhere
in this topic.
Molasses has an N-P-K ratio of around 1-0-5, so not that much is needed, and in teas I usually use about
1 tablespoon per gallon. If I were using it on the plants immediately, I would use more like 1 teaspoon per
gallon, but I rarely, if ever, use it outside of teas. It also helps other nutrients to be absorbed by plant roots
by means of mild chelation. Make sure you use the “unsulfured” version of molasses, and I recommend
those that are overtly organic; make sure it says ALL natural or organic. Blackstrap molasses is awesome,
kind of molasses works fine.
Care should be taken during the last few weeks of flowering when using a lot of molasses in teas. The
high magnesium value of molasses, which is one of its great assets, can be detrimental to the smoking
qualities of the final product. Just be aware of this, because any leftover magnesium will be stored in your
buds and make the smoke rather hot, compared to properly finished buds. Cannabis loves her magnesium,
so a lot has to be available to her throughout growth and especially in flowering. Molasses is a great way
water is normally high in totally dissolved magnesium and calcium levels too, so be careful if using those.
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