Information Technology Reference
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If you don't see your most recently added group in the Addresses window, shut down and then restart Mail.
In Contacts. Right-click the group you want to use and then click Send Email to Group, where Group is the
name of the group.
Keeping track of birthdays
Do you have trouble remembering birthdays? If so, then I feel your pain because I, too, used to be pathetically
bad at keeping birthdays straight in my head. And it's no wonder: These days you not only have to keep track of
the birthdays of your family and friends but, more often than not, you also have to remember the birthdays of
staff, colleagues, and clients as well. It's too much! My secret is that I simply gave up and outsourced the job to
Contacts, which has a hidden Birthday field that you can use to store birthdates.
Although the instructions in this section refer to birthdays, you can use similar techniques to help you keep track of
any event. The secret? Contacts includes a Date field that lets you store data for any type of date.
To add the Birthday field to a card, choose the card and then choose Card →Add Field →Birthday. As you can
see in Figure 4.4, Contacts places the contact in edit mode and adds the birthday field. You then type the month,
day, and year, and click Done.
4.4 Add the birthday field to those contacts whose birthdays you want to track.
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