Information Technology Reference
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pinch To move two fingers closer together on the MacBook Air trackpad. See also spread.
port forwarding Taking data that comes in to the router on a specific port and sending it to
a specified computer on the network.
power cycle To turn a device off, wait a few seconds for its inner components to stop spin-
ning, and then turn it back on.
preferences Theoptions,settings,andotherdatayouconfigureforMacBookAirviaSystem
preferences file A document that stores options and other data that you've entered using an
application's Preferences command.
private browsing SurfingthewebwithSafariconfigurednottostoresitesonthehistorylist,
not to save search box text or AutoFill text, and where no files are added to the Downloads
private IP address TheIPaddressoftherouter'snetworkconnection. SeealsopublicIPad-
process A running instance of an executable program.
processor See CPU.
public IP address The IP address of the router's Internet connection as assigned by your In-
ternet service provider. See also private IP address.
push To send data immediately without being prompted.
recovery disk AUSBflashdriveorexternalharddrivethatcontainsthesamerecoverytools
as the Mac OS X Mountain Lion Recovery HD.
remote DVD An optical drive on a network Mac or Windows PC that MacBook Air can ac-
cess and use as a DVD drive.
rich text Text that includes formatting features, such as fonts, colors, and styles.
Safe Boot To start MacBook Air in Safe Mode.
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