Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
The bleed values specify an area outside the perimeter of each page that can be
printed and is used to print design elements, such as pictures or a colored back-
ground, that extend to the edge of the page. The bleed area is trimmed and dis-
carded after the printing process.
5. Click OK in both dialog boxes to save the document preset.
In the New Document dialog box, the default setting of 1 in the Start Page
# box starts the document on a recto (right) page. That is, the first page of
the document is to the right of the spine. You can begin a document on a
verso page by entering an even value (for example, 2, 4, 8, and so on) in
the Start Page # box. The value you enter in this box is assigned to the first
page in the document.
Creating a new document
Each time you create a new document, the New Document dialog box lets you choose a
document preset as the starting point, or you can use this dialog box to specify several doc-
ument settings, including the number of pages, the page size, the number of columns, and
more. In this section, you'll use the Newsletter preset that you just created.
1. Choose File > New > Document.
2. In the New Document dialog box, choose the Newsletter preset from the Docu-
ment Preset menu if it isn't already selected. Select Preview to see a preview of the
document in the document window.
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