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Rearranging rows and columns
While you're working on a table, you may find that information works better in a different
order, or you may discover a mistake. In that case, you can select and drag rows or columns
to a new location. This table is in alphabetical order by department, but the “Science” row
is in the wrong location.
Rearranging columns works the same way as rearranging rows. Select the
column and drag it to a new location with the Type tool. To do this, the
table needs to have the same number of columns throughout.
1. Locate the row that starts with “Science,” approximately two-thirds of the way
down the table.
2. Using the Type tool ( ), move the pointer over the left edge of the “Science”
row until it appears as a horizontal arrow ( ). Click to select the row.
To drag and drop rows or columns, you must select the entire row or
column. To drag a copy of a row or column to a new position, press Alt
(Windows) or Option (Mac OS) while dragging.
3. Drag the “Science” row down and drop it just above the first “Sociology” row. The
blue line indicates where the row will be inserted.
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