Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
2. If you have additional text files on your system, try dragging them from the
desktop to the layout to see how they're imported. Choose Edit > Undo if you
don't want to keep them in the document.
3. Review all the styles available in the Paragraph Styles panel. Experiment with ap-
plying them to text in the story.
4. Add subheads to the story and apply the Subhead paragraph style to them.
5. Use the Find/Change dialog box to find all em dashes in the story and replace them
with an em dash with a space on either side of it.
6. Edit the story using the Story Editor and Track Changes. See how the different
changes are marked, and experiment with accepting and rejecting the changes.
7. Experiment with changing Spelling, Autocorrect, Track Changes, and Story Editor
Display preferences.
Review questions
1 . Which tool lets you edit text?
2 . Where are most of the commands for editing text?
3 . What is the search-and-replace feature called?
4 . While checking the spelling in a document, InDesign flags words that are not in the
dictionary—but they may not actually be misspelled. How can you fix this?
5 . If you seem to continually type a word incorrectly, what can you do?
Review answers
1 . The Type tool.
2 . The Edit menu and the Type menu.
3 . Find/Change (Edit menu).
4 . Add those words to the document's or InDesign's default spelling dictionary for the
language or languages of your choice (Edit > Spelling > User Dictionary).
5 . Add the word to your Autocorrect preferences.
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