Graphics Programs Reference
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Experiment with text-flowing options to find out what threading methods
plate for a catalog, you might thread several small text frames for item de-
scriptions, and then flow the text later.
1. Using the Selection tool ( ), duplicate the text frame containing the jump line on
page 2. (To duplicate an object, select it and choose Edit > Copy.)
2. Paste the jump line text frame on page 3. Drag the text frame so that it touches the
top of the text frame in the first column.
3. Using the Type tool ( ), change the words in the text frame from “Bikes contin-
ued on” to “Bikes continued from.”
4. Select the page number, 3, in the jump line.
At this point, you need to replace the Next Page Number character with the Previ-
ous Page Number character.
5. Choose Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Previous Page Number.
The jump line now reads “Bikes continued from 2.”
Review questions
1 . Which tool lets you thread text frames?
2 . How do you load the text icon?
3 . What happens when you click the loaded text icon between column guides?
4 . Which key do you press to automatically divide a text frame into multiple threaded
5 . What is the name of the feature that automatically adds pages and threaded text
frames to contain all the text in an imported text file?
6 . What feature automatically adjusts the size of a text frame based on the length of
the text?
7 . What do you need to do to ensure that the Next Page Number and Previous Page
Number characters work in a jump line?
Review answers
1 . The Selection tool.
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