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FIGURE 8.4: DPR-commodity grid workflow.
DPR Workflow
Workflow support is the key to diversifying this application as a generic
resource for E-Research. Figure 8.4 illustrates the workflow for the proposed
distributed pattern recognition framework.
The proposed framework utilizes both the commodity-grid processes and
the core pattern recognition service. Note that the front-end of the system is
managed by the CoG portal.
DPR-CoG Framework
Figure 8.5 shows the framework for implementing the distributed pattern
recognition system. The framework is designed to cater to different types
of users/applications that require flexible access to a large-scale low-latency
pattern recognition resource. The CoG portal and engine provide the authen-
tication and security services for the users.
The framework used in this study implements the Karajan CoG grid en-
gine [91]. Figure 8.6 shows the Karajan architecture for a commodity grid.
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