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Facebook's Haystack for the storage of
large files
Facebook's Haystack is described at
id=76191543919 . The Haystack paper describes all the design considerations and
the implementations that you will have to perform in order to store large files in your
system. You need to think of the read/write loads and of the hardware on which you
will run it. Most likely, you don't need all the bells and whistles of Haystack and can
implement a simpler solution. Alas! Haystack is not available as open source.
Twitter solution to store large files
Twitter's solution for this problem is published at https://blog.twitter.
com/2012/blobstore-twitter%E2%80%99s-house-photo-storage-system .
Twitter needs to store pictures and photographs. Today, you can hardly expect
people to read anything unless it is supplied with a picture. Take my own blog, , for example. If while explaining the most
complex law one can also enjoy the world's best art, it becomes fun and educational
at the same time. So, Twitter needs to store millions of photos, and they have had to
design their own solution.
As always, each such solution answers a specific set of design goals, and the lesson
we learn here is to define our design goals, understanding that they might well be
different from anybody else's. Here are the advantages of using Twitter's solution:
Low cost : This reduces the amount of money and time spent to store
large files
High performance : This serves images in the low tens of milliseconds, while
maintaining a throughput of hundreds and thousands of requests per second
Easy to operate : This lets you scale the operational overhead with
continuously growing infrastructure
Accordingly, Twitter created their own solution with everything in it, that is,
redundant storage, multiserver communication through ZooKeeper ( http:// ) , and fast serving of the images.
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