Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Using HBase Tables
for Single Entities
In this chapter, you will learn about the first actual HBase design pattern—correctly
storing information in the table that reflects single entities. This will include the
following topics:
• Forming row keys
• Why you should not generate keys with the database
• How and when to use collections
• Using Phoenix further
Since this is the first design pattern, I would like to acknowledge the help of
my numerous colleagues, and in particular Patrick McFadin, for explaining the
topics to me. I did not invent anything, but absorbed the information and am now
transmitting this knowledge.
Storing user information
Imagine that you are building a scalable website to upload and view videos. The first
thing you would need to do is store information about your users. However, what
information do you want from your users? You will need their username, real name,
e-mail or even multiple e-mails, and most likely, you would also need to store the
date the user registered on your site.
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