Database Reference
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2. Copy the Phoenix JAR file into the HBase lib directory of every
In this case, it is as follows:
sudocp phoenix-2.2.2.jar /usr/lib/hbase/lib/
Now, check that it works with the following command:
hbase classpath
After running the command, restart the RegionServer. It will tell you whether
the .jar file is there:
sudo service hbase-regionserver restart
3. Add the Phoenix client JAR file to the classpath of your HBase client.
I have already added Phoenix to the projects of the topic's pom.xml file (using
the instruction at ) , and I have
also copied the phoenix-2.2.2-client.jar file to the lib directory of the
project for future use.
Download and set up S Quirrel as your SQL client so that you can issue
an ad hoc SQL query against your HBase cluster.
Here is a screenshot illustrating the installation of SQuirrel:
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