Database Reference
In-Depth Information
If you want to find out the meaning of each of the parameters, run the script without
the parameters to get the help screen.
To import the data, use the following command:
cqlsh (use HBase import) -f generated/comments_by_users.txt
Now, let's think about performance. What happens when you have a controversial
video with 1,000,000 comments per video? When does the performance suffer?
Can you find this parameter? At what size does our design break and require an
enhancement? What should this enhancement be?
Think of yet another table to help you out with this.
Event time data - keeping track of what
is going on
In this lab, we will track events and also illustrate a compound key.
Imagine that you need to track what's going on. Our user watches the video and
then goes to a full screen with a different player. Then, he/she leaves from home,
jumps into a car, and his/her dad takes him/her to the school, while he/she resumes
watching the video. We need to track such events. For simplicity, we will consider
our event as consisting of start, stop, and pause. (Later, you can enhance this with
user-specific events.)
Here are the questions you need to consider and be able to answer in your design
from your user's point of view:
• When is the last time I stopped the event?
• When is the last time I started the event?
• What is the last thing that happened?
• How many times did I start the event?
Follow the lab given here.
Reader, persevere! This is the last time you need to close the topic and come up with
your own solution. After you design your solution, reopen the topic and take a look
at the answer.
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