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day production in the basin would be lost by 2050 and by the end of the century it would
no longer support irrigated agriculture. Such projections are total fantasies.
Garnaut projects. Rainfall measured by Jennifer Marohasy appears in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Murray Darling Basin annual rainfall, 1900-2007
Source: K. Stewart, “IPCC Dud Rainfall Predictions for the Murray-Darling Basin,” KensKingdom, 4 April 2014,
accessed 17 July 2014,
ipcc-dudrainfall-predictions-for-the-murray-darling-basin/ .
Drought years in the noughties, as at the turn of the nineteenth century and the 1940s,
have been followed by high levels of rainfall and damage through flooding. After half a
century of carbon emissions with, according to the IPCC and other warmists, each decade
showing higher average temperatures, some corroboration of the impending desertification
of south-east Australia should surely be evident. In fact the main threat to irrigated
agriculture has come from governments taking water from farmers and allocating it to
'environmental flows.'
The suggestion that yields from major crops are declining as a result of climate change
is equally spurious and not supported by empirical evidence.
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