Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
energy is fundamental for employment, living in the modern world, and for bringing the
Third World out of poverty.
As a result of noisy minority political pressures, Western democratic governments
have increased energy costs and created subsidised energy systems that have created a
new source of tax revenue. Politicians have responded to a groundswell of unscientific
environmental concerns rather than make hard decisions. The end result is increased
unemployment, lackofcompetitiveness, energypovertyandincreased costs.Unlessnature
has another surprise for us, three short decades of irresponsible climate policy will take
at least a generation to reverse because there are now armies of bureaucrats, politicians,
scientists, and businesses living off the climate catastrophe scare. Furthermore, the
education system has been captured by activists, and the young are inculcated with
people are not given the basic critical and analytical methods to evaluate ideology that has
been presented as fact. Only a brave government can change the education system to one
that prepares people for life.
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