Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Prediction: global warming is causing massive rises in sea levels, drowning
In 2007, Professor Mike Archer, dean of science at the University of NSW, said: 'Forget
Venice; I mean we're talking about sharks in the middle of Sydney' because the seas
would rise '100 metres'. The ABC's chief science presenter, Robyn Williams, agreed 'it is
possible, yes' that this would occur before the end of this century.
In fact, sea level rises for the past twenty years have averaged just 3.2 millimetres a
levels have slowly risen since 1880, well before human influence on the climate is said to
have become significant.
In 2006, warmist alarmist Gore claimed in his film An Inconvenient Truth that seas
were rising so fast 'that's why the citizens of these Pacific nations have all had to evacuate
to New Zealand'.
In fact, in a British court case, Justice Michael Burton found 'there is no evidence of
any such evacuation having yet happened.'
In 2013, Labor Foreign Minister Bob Carr claimed the Pacific island of Kiribati 'is at
the front line of climate change' and 'unless action is taken, Kiribati will be uninhabitable
by 2030 as a result of coastal erosion, sea level rise and saltwater intrusion into drinking
In fact, the 1993-2011 sea level trend data from Tarawa atoll, part of Kiribati, shows
no rise in sea level. The most populous atoll of Kiribati— the tiny islet of Betio—has
increased in size by a third over the past 60 years. In 2010 an Auckland University survey
noted that 86 per cent of 27 Pacific islands studied—including Kiribati and Tuvalu—had
grown or stayed the same size over the past twenty to 60 years.
Prediction: our drought will be permanent
In 2003, Melbourne warmist scientist David Karoly claimed, 'drought severity in the
Murray Darling is increasing with global warming'.
In fact, the rains returned, the Murray-Darling flooded and the Climate Commission in
2011 admitted, 'it is difficult from observations alone to unequivocally identify anything
that is distinctly unusual about the post-1950 pattern [of rainfall]'.
Prediction: sea ice is vanishing and the Arctic will be ice-free
In 2008, Flannery asked people to imagine 'a world five years from now, when there is no
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