Geoscience Reference
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But since then, the science has moved on—just like it did with humours, and
phlogiston, and eugenics, and all those other theories that were fashionable for a period
but which were eventually superseded by what Thomas Kuhn called a 'paradigm shift'
in scientific thinking. This is how true science works and how it always has worked.
A scientific theory, Karl Popper argued, is only useful if it contains the key to its own
destruction. That is, for a proposition to have any real scientific value it must be
has happened to the once-plausible, but now thoroughly discredited theory of catastrophic
anthropogenic global warming.
You'd think a scientist of the calibre of Sir Paul Nurse—or indeed of Michael Mann,
director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, or Phil Jones,
graduates and their pesky insistence on doing a bit of background reading, eh?
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