Geoscience Reference
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These boilerplate advocacy statements are accompanied by optimistic estimates of the
costs which the IPCC has estimated will emanate from the measures it proposes to curtail
greenhouse gas emissions.
The highly complex Table 2 summarises modeling of a number of different costs
of climate emission reductions and their variations. As is conventionally the case, the
modelling is simplified to exclude transitional losses, and the costs of thousands of
different taxes and regulatory measures are assumed to be robust and stable.
In the table, to achieve emission concentrations at 450 parts per million in 2050 (row
2), the cost is put at a cumulative 3.4 per cent of world income levels. This cost rises to 4.8
per cent in 2100.
The 2050 cost would increase by 138 per cent (to 4.7 per cent) if carbon capture and
storage (CCS) is unavailable.
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