Java Reference
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isFloat() —The isFloat Function
isFloat( value )
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the value is a floating-point number.
isInt() —The isInt Function
isInt( value )
Returns a boolean value indicating whether the value is an integer number.
max() —The max Function
max( value1 , value2 )
Compares two values and returns the maximum value.
maxInt() —The maxInt Function
Returns the maximum integer value supported by the operating platform.
min() —The min Function
min( value1 , value2 )
Compares two values and returns the minimum value.
minInt() —The minInt Function
Returns the minimum integer value supported by the operating platform.
parseFloat() —The parseFloat Function
parseFloat( value )
Converts the designated string value into a floating-point value.
parseInt() —The parseInt Function
parseInt( value )
Converts the designated string value into an integer value.
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