Java Reference
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The setPageContext() Method
public void setPageContext(PageContext pageContext)
The setPageContext() method is the basic accessor for setting the tag's PageContext . It
throws no exceptions and returns no value.
It takes one parameter:
The setParent() Method
public void setParent(Tag t)
The setParent() method is the basic accessor for setting the tag's parent. It throws no excep-
tions and returns no value.
It takes one parameter:
The setValue() Method
public void setValue(java.lang.String k, java.lang.Object o)
The setValue() method is the basic accessor for setting a tag's named attribute. It throws no
exceptions and returns no value.
It takes two parameters:
The TagAttributeInfo Class
public class TagAttributeInfo extends java.lang.Object
This class encapsulates information on Tag attributes. It is instantiated from the Tag Library
Descriptor (TLD) file. The TagAttributeInfo class has three fields and four methods,
described in the following sections.
The ID Field
public static final java.lang.String ID
This field holds a reference to the tag's ID.
The name Field
private java.lang.String name
This field holds a reference to the tag's short name.
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