Java Reference
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This method initializes a Tag instance so it can be used or reused. A newly created Tag instance
must be prepared by invoking this method before invoking doStartTag() . A Tag instance that
has been used and released by invoking release() must be reinitialized by invoking this
method. initialize() returns no value and throws no exceptions.
It takes three parameters:
The release() Method
public void release()
This method releases a Tag instance so it can be used or reused. release() has no parameters,
returns no value, and throws no exceptions.
The setBodyOut() Method
public void setBodyOut(BodyJspWriter b)
This method sets the BodyJspWriter . It will be invoked once per action invocation at most. It
will not be invoked if there is no body evaluation. setBodyOut() returns no value and throws
no exceptions.
It takes one parameter:
The setValue() Method
public void setValue(java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object value)
This method sets a user-defined value on the Tag . setValue() returns no value and throws no
It takes two parameters:
The BodyTag Interface
public interface BodyTag extends Tag
The BodyTag interface extends Tag by defining additional methods that let a Tag handler access
its body.
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