Java Reference
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When the JspError exception is caught, output generation should stop and the exception
should be forwarded to errorpage .
The JspError(java.lang.String msg) Method
public JspError(java.lang.String msg)
The JspError(java.lang.String msg) method is a constructor with a message. It returns no
value and throws no exceptions.
It has one parameter:
The JspError() Method
public JspError()
This method is a default empty constructor. It has no parameters, returns no value, and throws
no exceptions.
The JspException Exception
public class JspException extends java.lang.Exception
The JspException exception is a generic exception used by the JSP engine.
The JspException(java.lang.String msg) Method
public JspException (java.lang.String msg)
This method is a constructor with a message. It returns no value and throws no exceptions.
It has one parameter:
The JspException() Method
public JspException ()
This method is a default empty constructor. It has no parameters, returns no value, and throws
no exceptions.
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