Java Reference
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The getProtocol() method returns a string representing the protocol and version of the
request. It is the same as the CGI variable SERVER_PROTOCOL . getProtocol() has no parame-
ters and throws no exceptions.
It returns this value:
The getRequestDispatcher() Method
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(java.lang.String path)
The getRequestDispatcher() method returns a RequestDispatcher object using a relative
path. getRequestDispatcher() throws no exceptions.
It has one parameter:
It returns this value:
The getScheme() Method
public java.lang.String getScheme()
The getScheme() method returns a string representing the scheme of the URL used in the
request. Example schemes include http , https , and ftp . getScheme() has no parameters and
throws no exceptions.
It returns this value:
The getServerName() Method
public java.lang.String getServerName()
The getServerName() method returns a string representing the host name of the server that
received the request. It is the same as the CGI variable SERVER_NAME . getServerName() has no
parameters and throws no exceptions.
It returns this value:
The getServerPort() Method
public int getServerPort()
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