Java Reference
In-Depth Information
page Scope
Beans with page scope are accessible only within the page where they were created.
References to an object with page scope will be released when the response is sent back to the
client or the request is forwarded to another resource. Objects with page scope are stored in the
pageContext . A bean with page scope is most often used for single instance calculations or
An example of using the Counter bean with page scope can be found in Listing 17.2.
<%@ page errorPage=”errorpage.jsp” %>
<!-- Instantiate the Counter bean with an id of “counter” -->
<jsp:useBean id=”counter” scope=”page” class=”Counter” />
<title>Page Bean Example</title>
<H3>Page Bean Example</H3>
<center><b>The current count for the counter bean is: </b>
<%=counter.getCount() %></center>
You can see that this JSP creates an instance of the Counter bean with an id of “counter” . It
then prints the current value of the bean's count property.
To test the page scope example, move the PageBean.jsp to the < SERVER_ROOT >/djs/ directory
and open your browser to the following URL:
http:// localhost /djs/PageBean.jsp
You should see a page similar to Figure 17.1.
Go ahead and reload the page a few times. You will notice that the printed count is always
reset to 1. This is because each instance of the counter bean is new every time the page is
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