Java Reference
In-Depth Information
T ABLE 16.4
Objects with request scope are accessible only within pages processing
the same request in which the object was created. References to the object
will be released after the request is processed completely. If the request is
forwarded to a resource in the same runtime, the object is still in scope.
References to objects with request scope are stored in the request
Objects with session scope are accessible only within pages processing
requests that are in the same session as the one in which the bean was cre-
ated. It is illegal to define an object with session scope within a page if
that page's page directive has the session attribute set equal to false .
References to the session objects will be released after their associated
sessions end. Objects with session scope are stored in the session object
associated with the page activation.
Objects with application scope are accessible within pages processing
requests that are in the same application space as the page in which they
were created. References to the object will be released when the runtime
environment reclaims the ServletContext . Objects with application
scope can be defined and reached within pages that are not session-aware.
References to objects with application scope are stored in the
application object associated with the page.
Other Standard Actions
The remaining predefined standard actions include <jsp:param> , <jsp:include> ,
<jsp:forward> , and <jsp:plugin> . Each of these tags is described in detail in the following
The <jsp:param> Standard Action
The <jsp:param> action is used to provide tag/value pairs of information, by including them as
sub-attributes of the <jsp:include> , <jsp:forward> , and the <jsp:plugin> actions. The syn-
tax of the <jsp:param> action is as follows:
<jsp:param name=” paramName ” value=” paramValue ”/>
Table 16.5 contains the attributes and their descriptions for the <jsp:param> action.
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