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66. Ibid., 216.
67. Ibid., 215.
Paper and State
1. Fraenkel, La signature , 27.
2. James C. Scott, Seeing like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condi-
tion Have Failed (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998), 36.
3. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record, England 1066-1307 , 294.
4. Ibid., 295. Similarly, Davies notes, “Even in societies and periods in which the
written record predominated it was never allowed an exclusive rôle. Procedures
existed to subject documents to testing, not only in terms of the internal soundness
of their drafting but also by requiring support from evidence produced orally by
witnesses and/or by the invocation of spiritual sanctions through oath-taking and
ordeals.” Wendy Davies and Paul Fouracre, The Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval
Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), 213.
5. Fraenkel, La signature , 23.
6. See Jacques Foyer, L'histoire du pouvoir notarial d'authentification des actes (Paris,
Institut International de l'Histoire du Notariat, December 6, 1981); Robert-Henri
Bautier, “L'authentification des actes privés dans la France médiévale: Notariat public
et juridiction gracieuse,” in Chartes, sceaux et chancelleries: Études de diplomatique et
de sigillographie médiévales , vol. 1 (Geneva: Librarie Droz, 1990), 269-340.
7. Fraenkel, La signature , 24-25.
8. Anne Lefebvre-Teillard, Le nom: Droit et histoire (Paris: Presses universitaires de
France, 1990), 93.
9. Jean Carbonnier has argued the Code enacts in fact the “true constitution” of
France, as it “recapitulated the ideas around which French society constituted itself
after the Revolution,” in a unique style, at once “picturesque, laconic, mnemonic.”
Jean Carbonnier, “The Civil Code,” in Rethinking France: Les Lieux De Mémoire. Vol.
I: The State , ed. Pierre Nora, trans. David P. Jordan (Chicago: Chicago University
Press, 2002), 353.
10. Up to fifteen years of prison and up to €225,000 in fines, even when the forged
documents have not led to actual prejudice.
11. Pierre Catala, “Le formalisme et les nouvelles technologies,” Rapport Defrénois
(2000): 897-910.
12. As a member of the first working group convened by the Ministry of Justice to
make recommendations on a legal framework for electronic authenticity, I enjoyed
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