Cryptography Reference
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Figure 7.4
Two hash visualizations of public key fingerprints. The first hash is for fingerprint
51 86 E8 4E : 46 D7 B5 4E :: 29 D2 35 F4 : 41 89 5F 20; the second is for 51 86 E8
1F : BC B1 C3 71 :: B5 18 10 DB : 5F DC F6 20. From Adrian Perrig and Dawn Song,
“Hash Visualization: A New Technique to Improve Real-World Security,” in Interna-
tional Workshop on Cryptographic Techniques and E-Commerce (CrypTEC'99) (1999).
Used by permission.
functions —blending metrics from cryptography and image processing—
can provide a more usable method for comparing public key fingerprints.48 48
Hash visualization functions build on the traditional requirements for
cryptographic hashing: compression , that is, a function h maps an input
bitstring x of arbitrary length to an output y = h ( x ) , a bitstring of fixed
length; efficiency, , that is, h ( x ) must be easy to compute; collision resistance ,
the idea that it is not possible to invert the function, that is, given a bit-
string y , it is computationally infeasible to find the input x that corre-
sponds to h ( x ) = y .
Instead of outputting bitstrings, Perrig and Song suggest that hash func-
tions could just as well output images (see figure 7.4). With the help of
such a function, users could simply compare the hash visualization of their
browser's public key with the one published in a register to determine if
the key is authentic. The problem then becomes one of defining an appro-
priate metric of image equality and inequality. The authors propose a
measure of nearness : two images I 1 and I 2 are near (noted I 1 I 2 ) if they are
perceptually indistinguishable. Given such a metric, they can rewrite the
traditional definition of cryptographically hash functions as follows:
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