Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
If you plan to rent a car in the United States, you probably won't need the
services of an additional automobile organization. If you're planning to buy or
borrow a car, automobile-association membership is recommended. AAA, the
American Automobile Association ( & 800/222-4357 ), is the country's largest
auto club and supplies its members with maps, insurance, and, most important,
emergency road service. The cost of joining runs from $63 for singles to $87 for
two members, but if you're a member of a foreign auto club with reciprocal
arrangements, you can enjoy free AAA service in America. See “Getting There”
in chapter 2 for more information.
FAST FACTS : For the International Traveler
Automobile Organizations Auto clubs will supply maps, suggested
routes, guidebooks, accident and bail-bond insurance, and emergency
road service. The American Automobile Association (AAA) is the major
auto club in the United States. If you belong to an auto club in your home
country, inquire about AAA reciprocity before you leave. You may be able
to join AAA even if you're not a member of a reciprocal club; to inquire,
call AAA ( & 800/222-4357 ). AAA is actually an organization of regional
auto clubs; so look under “AAA Automobile Club” in the White Pages of
the telephone directory. AAA has a nationwide emergency road service
telephone number ( & 800/AAA-HELP).
Business Hours Offices are usually open weekdays from 9am to 5pm.
Banks are open weekdays from 9am to 3pm or later and sometimes Sat-
urday mornings. Stores typically open between 9 and 10am and close
between 5 and 6pm from Monday through Saturday. Stores in shopping
complexes or malls tend to stay open late—until about 9pm on weekdays
and weekends, and many malls and larger department stores are open on
Currency & Currency Exchange See “Entry Requirements” and “Money”
under “Preparing for Your Trip,” above.
Drinking Laws The legal age for purchase and consumption of alcoholic
beverages is 21; proof of age is required and often requested at bars,
nightclubs, and restaurants, so it's always a good idea to bring ID when
you go out. Beer and wine often can be purchased in supermarkets, but
liquor laws vary from state to state.
Do not carry open containers of alcohol in your car or any public area
that isn't zoned for alcohol consumption. The police can fine you on the
spot. And nothing will ruin your trip faster than getting a citation for DUI
(“driving under the influence”), so don't even think about driving while
Electricity Like Canada, the United States uses 110-120 volts AC (60
cycles), compared to 220-240 volts AC (50 cycles) in most of Europe, Aus-
tralia, and New Zealand. If your small appliances use 220-240 volts, you'll
need a 110-volt transformer and a plug adapter with two flat parallel
pins to operate them here. Downward converters that change 220-240
volts to 110-120 volts are difficult to find in the United States, so bring
one with you.
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