Graphics Reference
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Younowknowthebasicsofworkingwithsound.Experimenting withtheoptionsavailable ontheSoundac-
gic API.
The Bottom Line
Control characters and scenes by using logic bricks. Interactive control in the Blender game engine is
made possible by using the powerful logic brick system. With this system, you can use sensors, controllers,
and actuators to trigger game events on a variety of types of input.
Master It In the chapter, you saw how to make the character walk forward and turn right. Set up a sim-
ilar character that can turn left and walk backward as well.
Use properties, messages, and states to create complex interactions. Like a full-powered programming
language, the BGE logic brick system enables you to store and modify values in the form of properties, to
set up communications between different logic bricks using messages, and to control which logic bricks are
active at what times by using states. In this way, complex interactions are made possible, limited only by the
graphical nature of the logic bricks.
Master It Set up logic so that the wizards change directions whenever they hit the character, as well as
when they hit each other.
Work with textures to create dynamic text and in-game 2D animations. Textures in the BGE can be used
for a variety of interesting effects. Dynamic text whose content can be updated by logic bricks and in-game
animations can be created by using specifically mapped textures with certain parameter settings.
Master It Usethemethoddescribedinthischaptertocreatea2Dwalkcycleanimation.Useorthogonal
renders of the character walk cycle you created in Chapter 9, “Compositing with Nodes,” and then put
Map the image onto a plane in the game engine to create a walking 2D cutout character.
Incorporate sound effects into your game environment. SoundscanbecontrolledbySoundactuatorssim-
ilarly to other effects in the BGE. Special features exist to automatically control the sound on the basis of its
distance from the camera.
Master It Browse the free sound files website and find some other interesting
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