Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 15-52 Electricity UV map
2. Position the vertices in the UV/Image Editor directly by selecting Image Properties from the View
menu, selecting a single vertex, and inputting its X and Y coordinates. The leftmost vertices should be at
X coordinate 0, and the rightmost vertices should be at X coordinate 420.
3. Finally,scrolltotheGamePropertiesdialogpanel,alsofoundintheToolshelfoftheUV/ImageEditor.
Setthegamepropertiesasshownin Figure15-53 . BothAnimatedandTilesshouldbeselected.Animated
Start and End values should be 1 and 10, respectively, because the animation is 10 frames long. Enter 12
as the speed (12 frames per second is sufficiently fast for this kind of animation). Tiles should have an X
value of 10, indicating that the image is repeated 10 times horizontally.
Figure 15-53 Game properties
4. Finally,setthematerial'sGamepropertiesvaluesasshownin Figure15-54 . DeselectBackfaceCulling
to ensure that the texture is visible from both the front and the back of the face.
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