Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The Class Definition
Writing these definitions in this order is intuitive, because the class calls the function. However, it's a bit easier
to understand what's going on if we look at these definitions in reverse order. So first, let's look at the class
definition, beginning on line 41. Later, we'll return to line 21 to look at the function definition.
The first line begins the definition of the OBJECT_OT_add_object class:
41 class OBJECT_OT_add_object(bpy.types.Operator, AddObjectHelper):
The keyword class indicates that this is a class definition. The arguments are the classes from which this
class inherits its properties and methods. Python allows multiple inheritance, so OBJECT_OT_add_object
inherits the functionality of both bpy.types.Operator and AddObjectHelper . The former is the gen-
eral class for operators in Blender, so we know that this new class will be an operator. The latter is something
that was imported from the add_utils module. The AddObjectHelper class contains a variety of useful
shortcuts and built-in features to make it easier to build operators that (guess what?) add objects to the scene.
Among these features is an automatically generated interface for interactively setting the rotation and location
of the object you create, as you'll see shortly.
The bl_idname will be the identifier for the Python call of the operator, and the bl_description will
appear on the tool tip in the interface, as shown in Figure 13-8 . The bl_label value sets the text label on the
interactive panel, and bl_options sets the values for available operator options. In this case, the option to
register the operator and the option to make the operation reversible are set.
42 """Add a Mesh Object"""
43 bl_idname = "mesh.add_object"
44 bl_label = "Add Mesh Object"
45 bl_description = "Create a new Mesh Object"
46 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
Figure 13-8 The Add Object tooltip
Thenextfewlines,between line48andline53,setthe scale property.Unlikelocation androtation,which
are handled automatically on the object level (thanks to the AddObjectHelper ), the effect of the scale
value on the mesh data (i.e., the location of vertices) needs to be written out explicitly in your script. For this
reason, this value will be represented as a property of the OBJECT_OT_add_object class.
case, the scale variable is assigned an object of class FloatVectorProperty , which is a class that was
imported in the first few lines of the script from the bpy.props module. The arguments for the constructor
of the object are mostly self-explanatory. The name , default value, and description are all what you'd
expect them to be. The subtype value is used to organize properties and help the AddObjectHelper to
know how to handle this property.
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