Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
>>> p = Person()
After assigning the object to the variable p , you can access information from p by calling
p.get_eye_color() .Thesyntaxhereisimportant.Callingamethodonitsobjectisdonebyappendingthe
method name onto the end of the object name, separated by a dot. The method name ends with curly brackets
containing whatever arguments are appropriate for the method. If no arguments are necessary, the brackets are
empty.Whenthismethodiscalledforthefirsttime,thestring Green isprintedout,becauseitisdefinedasthe
default value in the class definition.
>>> p.get_eye_color()
Attribute values are also accessed by appending the value name to the end of the object name, separated by
a dot. The next line assigns the string "Blue" to the eye_color attribute for p . After this new value is as-
signed to the attribute and p.get_eye_color() is called a second time, the string Blue is printed.
>>> p.eye_color = "Blue"
>>> p.get_eye_color()
In the API, you will find a large collection of descriptions of classes. Each class description also includes a
description of the kinds of attributes and methods that are appropriate for interacting with objects of that class.
of the time. The next few chapters discuss some areas that might not be quite so obvious, to give you a sense of
work will make it much quicker to get to the bottom of the problem on the occasions when things are not quite
as they should be.
The dir() Function
A useful function that will save you tons of time looking things up in the API is dir() . By using this function
with an object name as the argument, you can return a list of methods and attributes defined for the class of any
object.BecauseinPythoneverythingisanobject,thismeansyoucancall dir() onanydatayouwantto,even
on methods themselves, and get a list of all the appropriate methods for that class. If you call dir() on the p
variable representing a person from the previous section, a list will be returned like this:
>>> dir(p)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__',
'__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__',
'__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__',
'__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__',
'__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'eye_color',
Most of the methods listed here are standard for all classes and hold various information about the module
in which they are defined. The last two elements in the list are the attribute and method you defined previously:
eye_color and get_eye_color , respectively.
Another useful source of information is the __doc__ attribute, which returns a documentation string when
called from objects for which it's been defined. Most built-in classes have defined __doc__ attributes. To see
the documentation string for integers, try calling it from an int object, like this:
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