Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
In order to render individual passes so that they can be accessed in the compositor, you need to check the
Shadow, Emit, AO, Environment, Indirect, and Reflection, as shown in Figure 9-6 .
Figure 9-6 Selecting render passes
When you re-render (press F12) the scene, you'll see that your Render Layers input node now has output
sockets corresponding to each of the available render passes. Figure 9-7 shows examples of three different
passes: the Indirect lighting pass, the Shadow pass, and the Diffuse pass. These images are repeated in color in
the color insert of this topic.
You can also look at the different passes in the UV/Image Editor window by choosing the pass you want to
see from the Pass drop-down menu in the header, as shown in Figure 9-8 . This figure shows the Environment
lighting pass.
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