Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Layer To the right of this bank of buttons is another bank of buttons under the label Layer. These represent
which scene layers are rendered in this render layer. By default (and in the figure) these are all selected. This
means that this render layer will include data from all scene layers.
Mask Layers The Mask Layers bank includes buttons for layers whose content will not be rendered but in-
rendered. To the left of the Mask Layers bank are fields for Light and Material groups, which enable you to
restrict the render layer to rendering only specific groups of lights or materials.
Include Check Boxes BelowthisaretheIncludecheckboxes,whichenablesyoutoselectwhichcomponents
of the image are rendered. These options are more general than render passes. You can choose to render or
not render solid objects, halo materials, z transparency, sky color, edges, or strands here.
Passes Check Boxes Atthe bottom ofthe panel are the Passes check boxes.Here iswhere youchoose which
passes to render separately. You will see more about passes in the following section. By default, only the
access to the individual pass data in the compositor. The Z pass includes depth information.
When you render now, do so by either clicking the Image button in the Render properties area or pressing
F12. The scene will be rendered and sent to the compositor and then output from the compositor as the final
render.Thenodeswillappearsomethinglike Figure9-4 , andthecompositedoutputcanbeviewedastheRender
Result image in the UV/Image Editor, as shown in Figure 9-5 . The image is repeated in color in the color insert
of this topic.
Figure 9-4 A render layer input node
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