Graphics Reference
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Figure 8-12 Adding an actuator
10. Inthe3Dviewport,pressPagaintoentergameplaymode.Thistime, trypressingthespacebar while
bar a good press will send the cube flying off the plane as in Figure 8-13 . Press Esc to get out of this
11. You can minimize and maximize the view of logic blocks by clicking the triangle in the upper-right
cornerofthelogicblock.In Figure8-14 , theblocksyoujustcreatedareminimized,andtwonewsensors,
two new controllers, and two new actuators have been added. The sensors are for the right-arrow and
left-arrow keys, and the actuators represent right and left rotation around the local z-axis, with -0.10 and
in Figure 8-14 .
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