Graphics Reference
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Figure 7-17 Fluid simulation with inflow
As you can probably imagine, the Outflow object is the exact opposite of the Inflow object, and it provides a
way to get fluid out of the simulation domain. For an example of an outflow in action, set up a fluid simulation
with the default cube and an Icosphere, as in the first example in this chapter, with the cube as the domain and
the Icosphere as the Fluid object. Copy the default cube by pressing Shift+D and scale down to 0.2 along the x-
and z-axes. To do this, press the S key to scale, followed by Shift+Y to keep the y-axis constant, as seen from
the Front view in Figure 7-18 .
Place this new object in the lower corner of the default cube, as in Figure 7-19 .
Because this object was copied from the default cube, it already has Fluid Simulation enabled but with Do-
main selected. Change this to Outflow. Otherwise, if Fluid Simulation is not enabled, enable it and select Out-
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