Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1-18 The Input user preferences
From here, you can control the following options:
Presets Enables you to choose from available sets of interface presets. The options currently available are
Blender and Maya settings.
Emulate 3 Button Mouse Enables Alt+RMB to emulate the behavior of the middle mouse button (MMB).
Continuous Grab Enables the mouse movement to still be registered for certain purposes even when you
move the mouse beyond the edge of the Blender window you are working with.
Select With: Left/Right Causes the left mouse button (LMB) or the right mouse button (RMB) to be used
for selecting. Certain functions (such as Emulate 3 Button Mouse) are only available with RMB selection.
Double Click: Speed Controls how quickly you need to double-click the mouse for Blender to interpret it as
a double-click event.
Emulate Numpad Enables you to use the number keys on the main keyboard instead of the number keys on
Orbit Style: Turntable/Trackball Selects between the Turntable and Trackball styles of rotating the view.
rotation thantheTrackball option.Trackball stylecausestheentire viewtorotate freelyinalldirections, ana-
logously to the motion of a trackball. Blender's traditional default is Trackball.
Zoom Style: Continue/Dolly/Zoom Selectsthewaythescenezoomsinandout.TheContinueoptioncauses
the view zoom to continue forward or backward as long as the left mouse button is held down and the mouse
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